Scientific Name: Corallus hortulanus
Length: 1.5 – 2.1 meters (5 – 7 feet)
Lifespan: Amazon Tree Boa’s live on average 20 years.
Distribution of the Amazon Tree Boa:
Length: 1.5 – 2.1 meters (5 – 7 feet)
Lifespan: Amazon Tree Boa’s live on average 20 years.
Distribution of the Amazon Tree Boa:

These Boas feed mainly on small mammals, frogs, birds and occasionally small
In the
wild the female will only ovulate 2 – 3 months after copulation. After a
gestation period of 6 – 8 months she then gives birth to live young. The Amazon Tree Boa gives birth to 8 – 14
This species of snake is arboreal and
takes preference to humid areas such as rain forests but can also be found in savannah
and dry forest biomes.
Interesting facts on Amazon Tree Boas

Amazon Tree Boas spend most of their lives in trees. They hunt for prey,
drink rainwater off leaves, mate and give birth all up in trees.

They are
also known as the Garden Tree Boa and are sometimes incorrectly called a Cook’s
Tree Boa which is a totally different species.

Below the
eyes, above their mouth is a pair of sensory organs or ‘”pit organs”. These
sensors are capable of detecting the slightest change of temperature close to
the snake which helps the Boa in firstly detecting nearby prey and detecting
possible predators that may be nearby. Even if totally blinded the Amazon Tree
Boa can use the sensors to hunt prey and detect predators.

Tree Boas have a pair of “anal claws” called spurs which protrude at the sides
of the cloaca. The spurs are sometimes used by the males to induce copulation.
male has larger spurs than the female.

spurs are also thought to be the remnants of hind legs that were lost in the
evolution from lizards into snakes.

Amazon Tree Boas are very aggressive and with their long needle-like teeth
can inflict a very painful bite.
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